Water Filtration

Mr. Breeze Heating & Cooling - Water Filtration Solutions

Can You Smell It? Taste It?

If you’ve noticed an odd smell or taste in your tap water, you’re not alone. Recently, substantial amounts of chlorine were added to the Leavenworth City & County water supply. This isn’t the regular chloramines treatment used to manage biological contaminants—it’s “free chlorine,” used in much higher concentrations. The water department is flushing the system to remove biofilm buildup, a layer of slime produced by microscopic organisms that live inside pipes and tanks.

What's Biofilm, and Why Should You Care?

Biofilm forms when bacteria adhere to the inside of water pipes, producing a protective slime layer. This layer can grow to over 1/8 inch thick, clinging to your water distribution system. Standard disinfectants, like chloramines, can’t penetrate it easily. That’s why utilities periodically switch to free chlorine, a more potent treatment. However, this process loosens biofilm clumps, which can dislodge and flow through your tap water.
The presence of biofilm isn’t just gross—it can be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and even lead to corrosion in your pipes. Unfortunately, once biofilm forms, it’s extremely hard to eliminate. Even strong biocides leave residue in the water, which poses health risks.

What Are You Drinking?

When the water system is flushed, you might find yourself drinking:

  • Chloramines, which leave a distinct taste.
  • Free chlorine, which is even more pungent.
  • Loosened biofilm particles—yuck!
None of these are particularly appetizing, but there’s a solution.

Install a Water Filtration System Now!

A high-quality filtration system can dramatically improve the taste, smell, and safety of your drinking water. Whether for your home or business, installing a filtration system protects you from consuming chlorine, chloramines, or biofilm residue. Clean, fresh-tasting water is within reach.

Get Expert Advice Today

At Mr. Breeze Heating & Cooling, we offer professional installation of water filtration systems designed to keep your water free from contaminants. Discuss the best options for your space with our experts. Your health and peace of mind is our top priorities. Call us today to schedule a consultation or learn more about how our water filtration solutions can protect your family or business!